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Christiane Jatahy

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Née à Rio de Janeiro, Christiane Jatahy est une auteure, metteuse en scène et cinéaste, dont la démarche originale consiste à confronter divers genres artistiques. Au théâtre, elle crée plusieurs pièces explorant les frontières entre réalité et fiction, acteur et personnage, théâtre et cinéma, notamment Studio, The lack that moves us or All stories are fiction, ainsi que les adaptations Julia, une pièce/film d’après Strindberg, et The Walking Forest, performance adaptée de Macbeth mêlant documentaire, performance et cinéma en live.

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Christiane Jatahy is an author, director and filmmaker whose original approach consists in confronting various artistic genres. In the theatre, she has created several plays exploring the boundaries between reality and fiction, actor and character, theatre and film, including Studio, The lack that moves us or All stories are fiction, as well as the adaptations Julia, a play/film based on Strindberg, and The Walking Forest, a performance adapted from Macbeth that combines documentary, performance and live cinema.

Christiane Jatahy

En savoir plus sur Julia